The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 25

There was no expression on her face and yet I felt all over again the renewed power emanating from her, the malevolence and hatred and passionate bitterness. It pierced me through. (12.24)

You seriously do not want to get on this ghost's bad side—if there's even a side that isn't bad. We're thinking not.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 26

Our baby son had been thrown clear, clear against another tree. He lay crumpled on the grass below it, dead. (12.27)

Jennet has her final revenge on Arthur by taking away his child. We sure hope she feels better, because we feel pretty crummy right about now.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 27

I had seen the ghost of Jennet Humfrye and she had had her revenge. (12.29)

Again, we ask: what revenge? What did Arthur ever do to Jennet? Or is this just a case of revenging herself on the whole world?