The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 70

Her face, in its extreme pallor, her eyes, sunken but unnaturally bright, were burning with the concentration of passionate emotion which was within her and which streamed from her. (5.24)

Crazy eyes, Shmoopers. Stay away from the people with crazy eyes.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 71

But what was "real"? At that moment I began to doubt my own reality. (10.10)

Even the so proudly rational Arthur has trouble keeping track of what's what when he's wandering around Eel Marsh House. We get the feeling that he's never going to look at a ghost story the same way again.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 72

It was in a state of disarray as might have been caused by a gang of robbers, bent on mad, senseless destruction. (11.51)

The woman in black doesn't just wreak psychological damage; she'll also mess up all your stuff.