The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 49

Like an old wound, it gave off a faint twinge now and again, but less and less often, less and less painfully… Of late, it had been like the outermost ripple of a pool, merely the faint memory of a memory. (1.62)

The thing about memories is that they never go away completely. Well, except for a convenient bout of amnesia. Wonder if Arthur could acquire one?

Arthur Kipps

Quote 50

Could I not be free of it at least for that blessed time, was there no way of keeping the memory, and the effects it had upon me, at bay… (1.64)

Arthur wants to never think back on that memory again, but it keeps resurfacing. Like an especially stubborn rubber ducky in the bathtub of life.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 51

I was the one who, to judge by my agitation of this evening, was still affected by it deeply, it was from me alone that the ghost must be driven. (1.65)

Even after all these years, Arthur still feels the need to exorcise his demons. He can't quite get over what happened to him. (And we can't really blame him. Seriously, the guy watched his wife and child die.)