The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 79

I like to look about me at the sky above my head, whether there are moon and stars or utter darkness, and into the darkness ahead of me; I like to listen for the cries of nocturnal creatures and the moaning rise and fall of the wind… (1.2)

It's hard not to be affected by the sounds of nature, but you don't have to go on forever, Arthur. Geez. We get it; you're an outdoors man.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 80

To one side of it, a stream ran between the banks toward the meadow beyond, whence it made its meandering way down to the river. (1.11)

The pleasant, beautiful aspects of Monk's Piece attract Arthur—maybe because it's about the exact opposite of Eel Marsh house.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 81

It was a yellow fog, a filthy, evil-smelling fog, a fog that choked and blinded, smeared and stained. Groping their way blindly across roads, men and women took their lives in their hands… (2.3)

The fog that surrounds London sounds pretty gross. Is that even a natural phenomenon? (Nope—not if you don't consider humans a part of nature, that is.)