The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 34

But at my feet, the dog Spider began to whine, a thin, pitiful, frightened moan, and to back away from the door a little and press against my legs. (9.25)

If there's one thing we've learned from horror movies, it's to always trust the dog's instincts. Trust us, you don't want to know what's behind that door.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 35

My whole body was trembling, my mouth dry, the palms of my hands sore where I had dug my nails into them as I had stood… (9.50)

No matter what Arthur's rational brain thinks, his body knows better: there's a very, very good reason to be afraid.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 36

In a curious way, it was her fearfulness that persuaded me that I must retain control of myself…

Arthur pulls himself together for the dog. How manly of him.