The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 7

It was for Jennet Eliza Humfrye, spinster, aged thirty-six years. The cause of death was given simply as "heart failure." (11.69)

"Heart failure" probably means that Jennet was so angry and crazed with grief that her body couldn't take it anymore. (It actually happens.)

Arthur Kipps

Quote 8

She was not welcome at her parents' house and the man—the child's father—had gone abroad for good. (11.105)

Jennet was pretty much tossed out by everyone in her life. Her parents kick her out; her baby daddy flees the country; she has to stand by and watch another woman raise her son ... and then let him die. We're actually starting to feel sorry for her.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 9

But Jennet was so distressed that she threatened violence and in the very end the sister relented—just so far… (11.106)

Even among her own family, Jennet has to beg and plead to see her child, and she doesn't even get to tell him who she is. (For those of you keeping track, this sounds a lot like part of the plotline in the Victorian sensation fiction classic East Lynne.)