The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 88

Then I, too, began to feel the stickiness and the unsteadiness of the ground as it became boggier. (10.28)

The landscape starts to literally suck Arthur in, like it did to poor Nathaniel in the pony and trap. Better be careful, or he's going to get stuck—not like Nathaniel, but like Jennet, living the same horrible experience over and over.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 89

I felt nothing other than curiosity, a professional interest… coupled with a mild sense of adventure. (2.6)

Young Arthur goes on a business trip, with no idea as to what he's going to encounter. He's in for adventure, that's sure, but the foreshadowing here doesn't give us any hints of what kind of terror he's in for.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 90

In fact, I was not by any means unattracted to the idea of the expedition… (2.70)

The idea of traveling to a different part of the country and sorting through the affairs of a dead woman sounds a little romantic, no?