The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 67

Now, I realized, there were forces for good and those for evil doing battle together and that a man might range himself on one side or the other. (11.141)

This is a cool but confusing sentence. If Jennet is an evil ghost, does that mean there are good ghosts? And if there's no way to fight back against Jennet, then what does it even mean to stand on the side of good?

Arthur Kipps

Quote 68

The woman in black seemed to haunt me, even here, to sit on the end of my bed, to push her face suddenly close to mine as I lay asleep… (11.144)

It's not as easy to shake off ghosts as you might think. In this story, more than one character remains haunted.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 69

Behind me, in the house, I knew that I must have left the family in a state of consternation and bewilderment… (1.60)

All the kids want to do is spook each other a little bit, and dad goes rushing off into the night. Way to spoil everyone's fun, dad. (Only Arthur knows that there's nothing fun about ghost stories.)