The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 10

When she went about the streets, people drew back. Children were terrified of her. She died eventually. She died in hatred and misery. (11.115)

Jennet gets no sympathy while she's alive, and so she shows no kindness to others when she does die and comes back to haunt the town. To her, that's not betrayal of the town—they're just getting what they deserve.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 11

Minutes later, they were receding across the causeway, smaller and smaller figures in the immensity and wideness of marsh and sky… (5.15)

Even though Keckwick is a tight-lipped kind of fellow, it must still be hard on Arthur to see him go. He's another normal living soul, after all.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 12

But for today I had had enough. Enough of solitude and no sound save the water and the moaning wind and the melancholy calls of the birds, enough of monotonous grayness, enough of this gloomy old house. (5.39)

The empty and lonely surroundings at Eel Marsh House are starting to get to Arthur. Guess that's what happens when you're wandering around an ancient burial plot by yourself.