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ELA Drills, Beginner: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Textual Analysis 1. The purpose of the instruction manual was...what?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Point of View 3. Which sentence in the passage best shows the narrator's point of view on the topic of Chelsea Simpson?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Point of View 1 14058 Views
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ELA Drills, Beginner: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
- 00:04
And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by animals or as a [Cow in a recording studio]
- 00:07
cow would say moo moo alright that's the last time we hire a cow to do voiceover
- 00:15
okay read the following sentences Susan's a veterinarian she cares for all
- 00:19
kinds of animals from mice to mountain lions
- 00:21
now let's check out our question true or false Susan is likely to write from the
Full Transcript
- 00:26
point of view that animals should be treated well so which is it true or
- 00:31
false I'll give you a hint an author's point of view usually comes from their [Author sat at a desk]
- 00:35
life experiences and beliefs we know shocking all right well since we're
- 00:40
interested in Susan's point of view let's think about her life experiences [Susan stroking a dog]
- 00:43
and beliefs as you might imagine not just anyone chooses to become a
- 00:47
veterinarian spending their life caring for animals unfortunately not everyone's
- 00:52
that nice..since that's the life Susan shows we can infer that she'll have the
- 00:56
point of view that animals should be treated well we can't know for sure we [Man inspects Susan's brain with magnifying glass]
- 01:00
can't see into Susan's mind after all but based on Susan's life experiences
- 01:05
you know taking care of sick animals and such that seems like a pretty good call [Susan caring for a cat]
- 01:08
since it's likely that Susan thinks animals should be treated well our
- 01:12
answer is A true it can be a bit tricky finding out someone's point of view [Psychic thinking]
- 01:17
since we're not psychics or are we but looking at their life experience and
- 01:21
beliefs makes it a lot easier we love animals at shmoop we'll give our old pal
- 01:26
the cow one more shot alright here we go [Cow in recording studio]
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