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Ratios, Percentages, and Proportions Videos 55 videos
SAT Math 10.3 Geometry and Measurement. What is the ratio of birds to dogs?
SAT Math 2.1 Statistics and Probability. Which two items have the highest protein to fat ratio?
ACT Math: Pre-Algebra Drill 5, Problem 1. Factoring in depreciation, how much is the car worth?
Ratios and Percents 2848 Views
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- 00:04
Ratios and Percents, a la Shmoop. Poor Milton. He tries.
- 00:10
But usually… he fails. Like bad hair, Milton is teased daily.
- 00:19
Yesterday he was ridiculed an impressive 720 times just about the toilet paper stuck to
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his shoe. By referring to this pie chart, can you determine
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how many times he was teased about his camouflage pants?
Full Transcript
- 00:33
Here’s a handful of choices:
- 00:37
Well, if 720 teasings represents 25% of the total number of derisive remarks aimed in
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Milton’s direction in a single day… …then we should be able to find that total
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number with the following equation: 720 divided by x equals point-two-five.
- 01:07
In this equation, x represents the total sum of teasings.
- 01:11
Solving for x we divide 720 by .25 to
- 02:20
get 2,880. Wow. We’re guessing he struggles in the
- 02:26
lady department. So now all we need to do is calculate 10% of 2,880.
- 02:50
10 percent, or point-one times 2,880 equals 288.
- 02:59
Answer “D” – you’re our man. 288 negative comments about the camo pants.
- 03:06
Oh, Milton. How hard would it be to throw on a pair of blue jeans?
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