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AP Computer Science 1.3 Classes and Objects 246 Views
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AP Computer Science 1.3 Classes and Objects. Which of the following should be declared as a static variable?
- 00:01
Sorry And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you
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by boolean Very bills It's True A newbie classes to
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be written that includes the following data members string species
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into hive number boolean is queen and into a number
- 00:21
of bees assumed that had given b cannot change residences
Full Transcript
- 00:25
or upgrade to queen stats which of the following should
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be declared as a static variable I've number number of
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bees is queen all right What the potential answers Here
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we go we're on the numeral time and okay we're
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being asked which variable or variable should be that flared
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static before we can answer this let's examine what static
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variables are what they do and why they're important Well
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a static variables one whose value will remain constant across
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an entire class of objects If we change the variables
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value for one of the objects it'll reflect across every
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object of that class Well to visualize this let's imagine
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you have a workshop where you build coffee tables and
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you're writing a program to keep track of the tables
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you've made you might have a class called coffee table
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and assign it Some data members such as material type
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table length and numb legs will make numb legs a
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static variables for each table that gets created will need
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to declare the material type length and number of legs
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thiss once made a pine fifty inches long and has
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four legs solid This one's cherry wood very fancy thirty
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inches long and has four legs and this one is
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a metal table thirty inches long and with four legs
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Wait you know what That first one isn't pine it's
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oak We need to go back and change it There
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we go in this example the material type variable is
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not static so when we change that variable for one
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object it doesn't affect the others of that class Numb
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legs however has been declared a static If we change
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that variable for any coffee table object it affects all
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of them on your snacks are all over the floor
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In the case of the bees we've got three variables
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and move to the side which would be more was
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appropriately status we'll hide number is a variable we're using
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to identify which hive each particular be belongs to If
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this were static every bee would belong to the same
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single hive that wouldn't work is a static variable Things
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would get too crowded really quickly Yeah is clean also
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wouldn't work for a couple of reasons First the question
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specified that abi's clean status could not be changed so
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that's a deal breaker but just as importantly even if
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we could change it having that variable static would mean
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everyone would either be a queen or no one would
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be anything at all and that's not gonna work for
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us either So now we're left to look at number
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of bees which is intended to be a counter keeping
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track of exactly that If number of these were static
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and we update this variable for one be it affects
- 02:42
all of them So that's pretty useful of our possible
- 02:45
answer b is the only one that fits the bill
- 02:47
we've identified the on ly number of b should be
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static before we go it's important to remember the distinction
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between static variables and final variables here the sound similar
- 02:56
but as we learned a static variable is one that
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remains the same across every object in a class If
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it changes for one object it changes for every object
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in that class where's final variables which were not used
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in this question are to find once and never change
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their values you can consider final variables to be set
- 03:15
in stone like you're no political uncle on facebook Yeah 00:03:19.92 --> [endTime] okay
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