Something Wicked This Way Comes Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Sure, sure the merry-go-round sounds keen. You think I like being thirteen all the time? No me! But for cri-yi, Jim, face it, you don't really want to be twenty!" (26.25)

Part of what makes Will so great: he can recognize his temptations to grow older but is able to resist them and help Jim resist. Alternate reading: Will is a mad late bloomer who straight up enjoys being a kid.

Quote #8

"You know what I hate most of all, Will? Not being able to run anymore, like you." (27.14)

Mr. Halloway's desire is fulfilled at the end of the novel when he runs as the boys do. This proves that youth is in fact a state of mind, not a physical state.

Quote #9

"Oh, Dad, I don't care how old you are, ever! I don't care what, I don't care anything! Oh, Dad," he cried, weeping. "I love you!" (49.25)

Will's statement is integral to Charles's acceptance of himself. This is part of what makes Will the novel's protagonist.