Something Wicked This Way Comes Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I don't need [a drink]," said Halloway. "But someone inside me does."

[Bartender]: "Who?"

The boy I once was, thought Halloway, who runs like the leaves down the sidewalk autumn nights.

But he couldn't say that. (3.15-3.18)

Wait a second… Halloway wants the thirteen-year-old boy inside of him to have a drink? What do you think Bradbury is trying to say here?

Quote #5

"I haven't smelled that in years," said Mr. Crosetti.

Jim snorted. "It's around."

"Yes, but who notices? When? No, my nose tells me, breathe! And I'm crying. Why? Because I remember how a long time ago, boys ate that stuff. Why haven't I stopped to think and smell the last thirty years?" (4.29-4.31)

Like Miss Foley and Mr. Halloway, Mr. Crosetti longs to become a child again. We assume his temptations lead to his mysterious disappearance.

Quote #6

Something must be done not to hurt, no, but slow down interference from such as Jim and Will. No one must stand between her and nephew, her and carousel, her and lovely gilding ride-around summer. (25.10)

The lure of youth works powerfully on Miss Foley, who comes across as an otherwise very nice lady.