Marcelo in the Real World Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Robert Steely […] is the most familiar with all the Vidromek files. He is sitting now in front of me and I see this now as a sign. Will he help me? Will he help Ixtel? The question is, do I have the skill to improvise? (20.33)

Keith Jarrett may not be Glenn Gould, but he's definitely taught Marcelo that there's something more important than following the rules.

Quote #8

Deep inside of me I hope to find a way to persuade him that helping Ixtel is something he should do, we should all do. But right now I don't even know how real that hope is. (20.65)

As Arturo's lies compound, Marcelo loses more and more faith in his dad's ability to do the right thing. No amount of tree houses and horses can make up for that kind of loss.

Quote #9

"What is in here is bad, as far as Vidromek is concerned. If it's made public, Vidromek will have a very difficult time proving they were not at fault. Then there's what this may do to the firm." (21.32)

Was it a form of lying for the firm to make the 36th box disappear, or were they just playing by the rules of defending a corporate client?