Marcelo in the Real World Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Every time you decide, there is loss, no matter how you decide. It's always a question of what you cannot afford to lose." (17.102)

What can Marcelo not afford to lose? After all, he's willing to give up Paterson to help Ixtel.

Quote #5

Now that I started looking for the file, the need to find out about the girl has increased. It is as if the act of looking has confirmed the rightness of my quest. (18.40)

It's like Jasmine says: the right note will feel right and the wrong note will feel wrong. Knowing you're doing the right thing is its own kind of Internal Music.

Quote #6

Juliet said he thought too much. He questioned Stephen Holmes about what was correct. I wonder if that included what was right or wrong. (18.40)

Although Steely doesn't admit to having seen the picture of Ixtel, he did know about the 36th box. His confronting Holmes about right and wrong might have been what caused the box to disappear.