The Man in the Iron Mask Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I have not been a friend for you, Raoul," said Athos.

"Eh, Monsieur! and in what respect not?"

"Because I have given you reason to think that life has but one face; because, sad and severe, alas! I have always cut off for you- without, God knows, wishing to do so- the joyous buds which incessantly spring from the tree of youth; so that at this moment I repent not having made of you a more expansive, dissipated, animated man." (33.38 – 33.40)

Here Athos basically defines a friend as someone with whom you have a lot of fun.

Quote #11

"You have friends in Belle-Isle, M. d'Artagnan; and it is not an easy thing for men like you to march over the bodies of their friends to obtain success."

[…] "Colbert was right," thought d'Artagnan,- "my baton of a marshal of France will cost the lives of my two friends. Only they seem to forget that my friends are not more stupid than the birds, and that they will not wait for the hand of the fowler to extend their wings. I will show them that hand so plainly that they will have quite time enough to see it. Poor Porthos! poor Aramis! No; my fortune shall not cost your wings a feather." (61.110 – 61.112)

For D'Artagnan, his friends come before fulfilling his ambitions.

Quote #12

"Athos, Porthos, au revoir! Aramis, adieu forever!" (Death of D'Artagnan.22)

It seems to be fitting that D'Artagnan's final words are directed to his friends. What's your interpretation of D'Artagnan's final words?