The Man in the Iron Mask Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"And this man, who would shed every drop of blood in his veins for me, will not open the smallest corner of his heart. Friendship, I repeat, is nothing but a shadow and a delusion, like everything else that shines in this world." (14.76)

Has D'Artagnan become cynical and disenchanted with the beauties of friendship? What do you think? Are there passages elsewhere that might support this conclusion?

Quote #5

"Look at us, Aramis! We are three out of the four. You are deceiving me, I suspect you, and Porthos sleeps; an admirable trio of friends, don't you think so?- a beautiful relic!" (14.78)

Is D'Artagnan sarcastic here or does he sincerely believe this? It certainly seems as though D'Artagnan feels that the friends are starting to grow apart.

Quote #6

"A friend's word is the truth itself. If I think of touching, even with one finger, the son of Anne of Austria, the true King of this realm of France; if I have not the firm intention of prostrating myself before his throne; if, according to my wishes, to-morrow here at Vaux will not be the most glorious day my King ever enjoyed,- may Heaven's lightning blast me where I stand!" Aramis had pronounced these words with his face turned towards the alcove of his bedroom, where d'Artagnan, seated with his back towards the alcove, could not suspect that any one was lying concealed. (14.104)

Is Aramis being dastardly and outright lying to his buddy, or is he, in a way, being truthful since he considers Philippe to be the true King of France?