Justice and Judgment Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"But you will die, little one," he said. "The mister would not pay for you." (4.330)

The killers mete out their rough justice on Little Bee's sister by raping, torturing, and murdering her while Little Bee is forced to listen. They possess a grim and twisted honor – true to their word, they do, in fact, spare Little Bee's life.

Quote #8

"Do you really want me to make a choice like that? I cut off my own bloody finger. Do you think I wouldn't cut you off too?" (6.275)

Sarah's personal sense of justice intensifies as a result of her experiences with Little Bee, as Lawrence learns in this moment.

Quote #9

"I think I wanted to say thank you to Sarah for saving me, but also I wanted to punish Andrew for letting my sister be killed." (7.161)

Even though the death of Little Bee's sister can't truly be considered Andrew's fault, we can see how Little Bee would consider him a candidate for her vengeance, especially when we learn the details of her sister's death.