Justice and Judgment Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"White man been giving me this finger all my life. Today you can give it me to keep. Now cut off your middle finger mister and give it me." (4.294)

The man speaking is the leader of a group of men trying to find Little Bee and her sister, so they can kill them. They offer Andrew a rough version of justice when they offer to trade the girls' lives for Andrew's finger.

Quote #5

"Oh Andrew. I think you have to do it."

"I can't."

"It's just a finger." (4.307-309)

At this point, Sarah has already gotten between the armed killer and Little Bee and her sister. Now she's totally focused on saving the girls. It's not that she wants Andrew to do the dirty work, but understands that these men are serious and that to not do what they want will lead to something bad – which it does.

Quote #6

She saw the white woman put her own left hand down on the hard sand, and she saw her pick up the machete, and she saw her chop of her middle finger with one simple chop […]. (4.321)

Sarah doesn't waste any time stepping up when Andrew won't. Again, she seems focused on doing whatever it takes to save the two girls.