The House of Dies Drear The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Odd isn't it, Mr. Small, that the son and daughter of running slaves would find peace in the very sort of caves running slaves hid in?" (15.24)

Mayhew is pointing out the irony that Mr. Pluto and Mayhew's mother made a peaceful home out of what was once a shelter for running slaves, who had no home and very little peace.

Quote #11

"Child! […] You'll come tomorrow and maybe I'll feel like riding in the buggy. You want to still ride with a poor old soul?"

"Yes!" (15.58-15.59)

Pesty helps make Mr. Pluto's home a happy one. Moments like this you can see how much they care for each other.

Quote #12

"I felt closer to him tonight than I think I ever have." (19.55)

Mayhew and his father have had a difficult relationship for a very long time. Now they are beginning to "come home" to each other.