The House of Dies Drear The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The house of Dies Drear loomed out of the mist and murky sky, not only gray and formless, but huge and unnatural. (3.6)

This is from Thomas's point of view – his first impression of the house. The words "formless" and "unnatural" are in keeping with Thomas's haunted house fantasy (or reality!).

Quote #5

"Thomas Small!" his mother said. "What in heaven's name to do you think you are doing inside that wall?" (4.80)

Thomas's new home includes hidden passageways and moving walls. Thomas gets stuck in one of them when he's lost under the house. These novelties were necessities in the time of Dies Drear – they helped running slaves hide from bounty hunters and others who wanted to take them back to slavery.

Quote #6

Automatically, Thomas let his mind redo the walls and ceiling in bright earth colors. (8.69)

Thomas, always the artist, is using his imagination to try to make the new house a home.