Beatrice "Tris" Prior Quotes

If there were people around, I doubt any of them would help Christina. We are with Eric, for one thing, and for another, the Dauntless have different rules—rules that brutality does not violate. (9.68)

Power sure is a nice thing to have, unless you're a psychopath with control issues and no one to stop you—then it's kind of a pain in the rear for everyone around you. Just ask Christina here.

"Were you even listening?" The heat in my cheeks is gone, and my breaths are more even now.

"Your stupid ex-faction isn't just insulting Abnegation anymore. They're calling for an overthrow of the entire government."

Will laughs. "No, they're not. They're arrogant and dull, and that's why I left them, but they aren't revolutionaries. They just want more say, that's all, and they resent Abnegation for refusing to listen to them."

"They don't want people to listen, they want people to agree," I reply. "And you shouldn't bully people into agreeing with you." I touch my palms to my cheeks. "I can't believe my brother joined them." (19.20-2)

Dauntless power usually involves destroying stuff (or people); Erudite power seems to involve bullying people into agreeing with you (or controlling their minds, which is practically the same thing). But notice all the other themes floating around power: there's the society issue (which faction should rule?) and the family issue (how could Caleb join those Erudite who want power?).

"Among other things, are someone who is aware, when they are in a simulation, that what they are experiencing is not real," she says. "Someone who can then manipulate the simulation or even shut it down. And also..." She leans forward and looks into my eyes. "Someone who, because you are also Dauntless...tends to die." (20.48)

Tris is pretty good with a gun, but she's even better at manipulating the simulations. This power might help Tris, but it also makes her a target. But then again, that's almost always true of anyone who has power.