Cannery Row Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Darling was and was destined to remain a very happy dog, for in the group of five men there were five distinct theories of dog training, theories which clashed so that Darling never got any training at all (20.19)

Steinbeck's 7th principle of happiness: avoid education. Doc's the only person who has had much formal education, and we're not thinking that he seems much happier for it. Of course, he does seems to get a lot of pleasure from his work—but is taking pleasure in something the same as being happy?

Quote #8

It had become [Henri's] custom, each time he was deserted, to buy a gallon of wine, to stretch out on the comfortably hard bunk and get drunk. Sometimes he cried a little all by himself but it was luxurious stuff and he usually had a wonderful feeling of well-being from it (22.7)

Whatever floats your boat, right? Or, in Henri's case, whatever doesn't float it. Anyway, the point is, Henri's happiness seems to consist of getting drunk and crying himself to sleep. And we are not going to stand in his way.

Quote #9

[Mack] went to his bed and pulled his blanket over his head and he didn't get up all day. His heart was as bruised as his mouth. He went over all the bad things he had done in his life and everything he had ever done seemed bad. He was very sad (23.1)

Wait, we thought Mack was supposed to be the happiest guy in the book. How come the little matter of Doc's party is eating him? He doesn't mind being cheated by Lee Chong or punched in the nose by Doc, but the thought of having messed up his party for Doc just floors him.