Cannery Row Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Hazel kicked sand on the fire. "I bet Mack could of been president of the U.S. if he wanted," he said.

"What could he do with it if he had it?" Jones asked. "There wouldn't be no fun in that" (13.64)

Here's a little insight into what Mack wants, and it isn't money or power. It's fun. That's what makes him happy—and we're thinking that Steinbeck wishes a lot more people felt like that, too.

Quote #5

On such a morning and in such a light two soldiers and two girls strolled easily down the street. They had come out of La Ida and they were very tired and very happy (14.2)

Steinbeck portrays these couples as good, but the man who tries to kick them off the private beach would call them a bunch of drunken trespassers. Notice that this chapter comes right after the chapter where the Captain tries to kick Mack and the boys off his land. These guys are seriously trying to ruin everyone's fun.

Quote #6

While they were mildly irritated that Lee was taking them for an economic ride or perhaps hop, two dollars' worth of bacon and eggs was in their stomachs lying right on top of a fine slug of whiskey and right on top of the breakfast was another slug of whiskey. And they say in their own chairs in their own house and watched Darling learning to drink canned milk out of a sardine can (20.19)

Breakfast of champions. Mack and the boys don't bother getting angry at Lee Chong since they've had a good meal. Is it because they're not thinking ahead to the next time they'll need money, or is saving money just not as important as a tasty breakfast? (We'll just point out that you can't eat bacon when you're dead.)