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PSAT Math Diagnostic Videos 41 videos
PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
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PSAT 1.28 Math Diagnostic 178 Views
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PSAT 1.28 Math Diagnostic. What is the maximum number of text messages he can send in one month for Plan B to cost no more than Plan A?
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop too sure
- 00:05
brought to you by text messages every time we see
- 00:08
an abbreviation we don't recognize we always wonder whether we're
- 00:11
just really out of touch or someone's cat walked across
- 00:14
their iphone Mr abdul is choosing between two cellphone plans
Full Transcript
- 00:19
plant a charge is a flat fee of three bucks
- 00:21
a month and twenty cents per text message Plan b
- 00:24
charges sixty cents per text message but offers a monthly
- 00:27
rebate of seven bucks if mr abdul chooses plan b
- 00:31
what is the maximum number of text messages he consented
- 00:34
one month Or plan b to cost no more than
- 00:38
plan a And here the vigilante All right we'll wait
- 00:42
Is mr abdul buying his phone for himself or for
- 00:45
his fourteen year old daughter kelly Because she just got
- 00:48
dumped by jonathan reynolds his past sunday and she is
- 00:51
gonna have a lot of texting to do over the
- 00:53
next few weeks We're just saying i'm looking out for
- 00:56
you there mr f okay so we're looking at options
- 00:58
of zero for eight twenty five spoof we're really hoping
- 01:01
the correct answer is d because we pretty much just
- 01:04
sent a text messages By the time we walked out
- 01:06
on the horizon story waken rewrite plan a is a
- 01:09
linear equation and any time we make a word problem
- 01:12
look matthew well that's a good start so let's just
- 01:15
do it since it twenty cents for a message and
- 01:17
a number of messages is what we don't know We
- 01:20
can call that point two x one x would be
- 01:23
a whole dollar and then tack on a plus three
- 01:26
for three dollars monthly charge so we get point two
- 01:28
x plus three Well plan b is sixty cents per
- 01:31
message with a seven dollars monthly rebate So point six
- 01:34
x minus seven now we're trying to figure out where
- 01:37
these two would meet in the middle cost wise so
- 01:39
let's set him equal to each other Tothe point two
- 01:41
x plus three equals point six x minus seven we
- 01:44
can add seven of both sides to get point two
- 01:47
x plus ten equals point six x then subtract point
- 01:50
two x from both sides to get ten equals point
- 01:53
for x and finally divide both sides by point for
- 01:56
to get x equals twenty five which is option d
- 01:59
mister ray we strongly suggest you just go with plan
- 02:02
a So you can text to your heart's content without
- 02:04
breaking the bank Then again if this for kelly we
- 02:07
might actually recommend plan c hu tin cans and a 00:02:09.98 --> [endTime] length of string Your wallet will thank you
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