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When you're about to marry the love of your life, not many things could stop you. However, finding out that your future hubby is keeping his crazy...
Jane Eyre Summary 123035 Views
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When you're about to marry the love of your life, not many things could stop you. However, finding out that your future hubby is keeping his crazy wife locked up in the attic is probably one of them.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak Jane eyre all our shmoop my
- 00:08
story's a common tale really Girl needs a boy boy
- 00:12
falls for girl girl finds out boy has a violently
- 00:15
insane wife locked in his attic but there's a twist
- 00:19
This girl is a governess I wasn't born a governess
Full Transcript
- 00:24
I used to have a nice home with my uncle
- 00:26
until he died and left me alone My horrible aunt
- 00:29
monstrous cousins Cinderella thinks she had a bad at least
- 00:35
she wasn't sent to a boarding school that made that
- 00:38
hotel in the shining look like a b and b
- 00:41
I did make a friend named helen which was cool
- 00:44
until she died and i woke up next to her
- 00:47
cold dead body What didn't kill me made me stronger
- 00:50
though and i got my teaching creds and got out
- 00:53
of town way out of town I found a job
- 00:57
as a live in teacher to a moppet named adele
- 01:00
just super cute But her guardian Mr rochester was a
- 01:04
bit of a jerk It kind of started to grow
- 01:07
on me though In an emotionally unavailable mr dassey kind
- 01:09
of way I even helped when someone tried to flambe
- 01:13
a mr rochester in his bed and molded houses In
- 01:17
hindsight i probably should have paid more attention to all
- 01:19
of these attempted homicides Definite red flags I was not
- 01:25
happy when raj jesse's girlfriend blanche showed up She was
- 01:28
all wrong for him Tall perfect musically talented I hated
- 01:33
their guts Luckily rochester knew she was a gold digger
- 01:37
and decided to marry Wait for it Me The engagement
- 01:41
was all a blur except for a few ominous warnings
- 01:44
here There Like that time i woke up to find
- 01:47
a hideous woman in my room trying on my veil
- 01:50
Well that first i thought it was just mr rochester
- 01:52
expressing his latent cross justin tendencies But then i figured
- 01:55
it must be a dream A dream that ripped my
- 01:58
veil in half and the lion knows has behind I
- 02:02
should have known the drama wouldn't stop there I was
- 02:05
literally at the altar when this guy piped up that
- 02:08
rochester has a bonkers first wife They built a squirrel
- 02:11
away in his attic You'd think someone would have mentioned
- 02:14
her earlier Like maybe before the day of my wedding
- 02:18
I wasn't the polygamist type so i had to get
- 02:20
away It turns out the world isn't a friendly place
- 02:23
The penniless governesses Fortunately i was discovered by distant relatives
- 02:28
I crashed with them until my rich uncle died leaving
- 02:30
me a boatload of cash Things were great until my
- 02:34
cousin sinjin declared that he was madly in like with
- 02:37
me and wanted to sweep me away on a just
- 02:38
friends honeymoon slash missionary crusade Tempting as it wass to
- 02:42
marry a guy who found mia's attractive this cottage cheese
- 02:45
but a girl's gotta have some romance in her life
- 02:48
Rochester i couldn't help it I still love the big
- 02:52
lug The floppy hair that elegant knows the condescending sneer
- 02:57
I guess i could get used to sharing him with
- 02:59
a head case When i got back phone bill was
- 03:02
in need of some serious renovation Rochester was blind and
- 03:06
missing a hand Naturally i suspected a cool lightsaber battle
- 03:10
but apparently both burned down the house chief never saw
- 03:14
that one coming Rogers to almost bucket trying to save
- 03:17
her He looks so broken and sad But most important
- 03:22
of all he was single again Well i married him
- 03:26
and we're living happily in our new home this time 00:03:29.614 --> [endTime] No attics Yeah
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