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GED Math Videos 68 videos
GED Math 1.1 Graphs and Functions. Which is the appropriate region of the coordinate plane?
GED Math: Expression and Equations Drill 1, Problem 1. How much do the apples cost after tax?
GED Math: Measurement Drill 1, Problem 1. The area, in square inches, of the shaded region where the two rectangles overlap is...what?
GED Math 1.5 Expression and Equations 514 Views
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In this GED math equation, figure out if the given expression requires a greater than, less than or equal sign for completion.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in then here's your smoke du
- 00:05
jour brought to you by reciprocal sze They'll catch you
- 00:09
on the flip side All right If x is equal
- 00:11
to a half then one over x squared is what
- 00:15
one over acts less than equal to or greater than
Full Transcript
- 00:19
at least we have one fewer option than those nagging
- 00:22
abc The multiple choice problems Look on the bright side
- 00:24
right Okay so we're told that x equals a half
- 00:27
which means we can simply plug that value into the
- 00:29
equation or inequality or whatever it is We're not sure
- 00:32
yet to get our answers so we're going to start
- 00:34
plugging Well one over x squared becomes one over one
- 00:38
half square All right so what's one half square What
- 00:42
does that mean Well we keep the numerator this same
- 00:44
and multiply denominators and well here So we get one
- 00:48
half times one half equals one fourth Well we've got
- 00:52
one over a quarter meaning we take the reciprocal in
- 00:56
this whole thing gets flipped and becomes four just like
- 00:59
that Our final term is one over x and what's
- 01:01
one over a half Well again all we do is
- 01:04
flip it to get the reciprocal and it becomes too
- 01:07
well Now we have a really easy looking problem on
- 01:09
our hands is for greater than to less than two
- 01:12
or equal to to hold on Give us a second
- 01:14
We're gonna go with greater than we're wrong Then we 00:01:17.518 --> [endTime] might just hear that wait
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