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Exponents and Radicals Videos 11 videos
We don't like knocking people down to size, but we do like simplifying radicals. Join us?
Start within the parentheses, and then work your way out. Do that, and this expression is yours.
To solve radical equations, you square both sides, FOIL it out if necessary, and simplify. Ta da!
Finding and Estimating Square Roots 3504 Views
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Finding square roots is simple. Don't believe us? Watch the video and be amazed. But not that amazed—it's just square roots.
- 00:04
Finding and Estimating Square Roots, a la Shmoop.
- 00:07
Ah, Hansel and Gretel.
- 00:09
Cooking that witch in "self-defense."
- 00:12
Little did they know she had security cameras...
- 00:14
Hansel and Gretels' square-shaped cell is just 18 square feet.
Full Transcript
- 00:18
But these jailbirds have a plan to fly the coop.
- 00:21
So that was the first plan. Their second plan is dynamite.
- 00:26
Can you estimate the length of the wall they'll need to blast?
- 00:30
To find the length of one wall, we need to take the square root of the area, or 18 square feet.
- 00:35
Unfortunately calculators aren't allowed in maximum security.
- 00:43
We'll need to estimate.
- 00:45
To do this, factor out 18.
- 00:48
Three times six equals 18.
- 00:50
Factor again until all the numbers are prime.
- 00:52
This gives us the square root of "three times three times two".
- 00:56
Now we can pull any "doubles" out of the box. Like those double threes.
- 01:01
This gives us three times the square root of 2.
- 01:05
We can't know the exact amount because of that darn "no calculators" rule...
- 01:10
But we can estimate the value of the square root of two.
- 01:13
We know that the square root of one is one and the square root of four is two.
- 01:19
So we know that the square root of two must be a little bigger than one.
- 01:24
Three times a number a little bigger than one...
- 01:27 a little more than four feet.
- 01:30
We can now estimate our wall length, which is a little more than four feet.
- 01:35
- 01:35
Now Hansel and Gretel can break free and head directly to a Weight Watchers meeting!
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