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Who wants to be a millionaire? In this video, learn about compound interest, interest rates, and the compound interest formula. You'll be buying th...
ACT Math: Pre-Algebra Drill 5, Problem 2. If a and b are prime numbers, how many factors does ab have?
We don't like knocking people down to size, but we do like simplifying radicals. Join us?
Dividing Complicated Decimals 294 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak Dividing complicated decimals Allah shmoop decimals
- 00:09
Why'd they have to go and make things so complicated
- 00:12
The good news is that so called complicated decimals on
- 00:15
ly look complicated They're like taxes They might seem complicated
- 00:18
but really all you have to do is pay the
Full Transcript
- 00:20
guy at h and r block two hundred bucks to
- 00:21
do them for you Done and done We've already learned
- 00:25
how to divide one decimal by another But what about
- 00:28
when they're really long All we have to do is
- 00:31
tackle it the same way we would a really tough
- 00:34
looking running back head first So say we need to
- 00:37
divide zero point zero zero three to nine eight five
- 00:40
one one seven by zero point two nine one seven
- 00:44
five three And we accidentally jumped into the pool Was
- 00:47
our scientific calculator Well how do we figure this thing
- 00:50
out by hand Well we can start by moving the
- 00:53
decimal place And our divisor is many spots as we
- 00:56
need in order to make it a whole number in
- 00:58
this case if we move it One two three four
- 01:00
five six pots to the right We get two hundred
- 01:03
ninety one thousand seven Hundred fifty three Now we move
- 01:06
the decimal of the dividend the same number of times
- 01:09
we move the decimal of the divisor and we get
- 01:12
three thousand two hundred ninety eight point eight five one
- 01:14
one seven Our problem is now become three thousand two
- 01:18
hundred ninety eight point eight five one one seven divided
- 01:19
by two hundred ninety one thousand seven Fifty three still
- 01:22
looks like something capitals up after getting too excited but
- 01:26
at least we're no longer fighting by decimal From here
- 01:29
we do the usual long division thing Move the decimal
- 01:32
place directly upward and eventually we get point Oh one
- 01:36
one three oh seven We're definitely killing a tree or
- 01:39
two with his long division problems this intense but at
- 01:43
least now we know how to get there Sorry tree 00:01:45.961 --> [endTime] way
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