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CAHSEE ELA: Reading Videos 100 videos
CAHSEE 1.1 English Language Arts Passage Drill. Which line is an example of a metaphor?
CAHSEE 1.3 Passage Drill. Which of the following is the best way to express the meaning of the word alumni in this sentence?
CAHSEE 1.2 Passage Drill. Which of these sentences from the story best illustrates the sensitive side of the narrator's nature?
CAHSEE ELA 4.1 Expository Writing 645 Views
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CAHSEE ELA 4.1 Expository Writing. How are the events organized?
- 00:03
Here's a question to shmoop over...
- 00:05
OK, we'll assume you've read the question...but we'll splash it up on the screen for a few seconds in case you want to hit
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pause and review...
- 00:23
How are the events organized?
- 00:26
Here are the potential answers:
Full Transcript
- 00:32
So... what is this question asking?
- 00:34
How are the listed events... organized? We can glance at our list first and see if
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anything pops out at us.
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Not alphabetical...
- 00:47
Not numbered...
- 00:49
...Nope, no immediate help.
- 00:50
We're dealing with a lot of content here... so let's not fall into the trap of reading
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every single word.
- 00:57
There's a lot of unnecessary fluff here, specifically designed to slow us down and
- 01:02
throw us off track.
- 01:06
A quick scan should be enough to give us the gist... time is of the essence...
- 01:11
The only other thing we can do is take each option at a time, and see if it pans out.
- 01:17
By date? If you can see dates here, good on you. You must be wearing your super-secret,
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x-ray decoder glasses.
- 01:25
By time? Same deal.
- 01:28
By type of event? Seems the foodie events would be lumped together if that were the case...
- 01:34
...but instead, they're bookending the other events...
- 01:37
Nope... seems like a random, jumbled mess to us. No rhyme or reason whatsoever.
- 01:41
The answer is D, as in...
- 01:43
"Denizen of the dark"...
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