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ASVAB Word Knowledge Videos 52 videos
ASVAB Word Knowledge 1.1 Vocab List. Which of the following words can replace engenders?
ASVAB Word Knowledge 1.2 Vocab List. Which word is closest in meaning to tangible?
ASVAB Word Knowledge: Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes Drill 1, Problem 2. Which of these words is closest in meaning to pliable?
ASVAB Word Knowledge 4.4 Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes 237 Views
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ASVAB Word Knowledge: Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes Drill 4, Problem 4. Which of these words is closest in meaning to tardy?
- 00:00
[ musical flourish ]
- 00:04
And here's your Shmoop du jour, brought to you by clockwork,
- 00:07
the most punctual of professions.
- 00:09
Which of these words is closest in meaning to tardy?
- 00:13
Tardy. And here are the potential answers.
Full Transcript
- 00:15
[ mumbles ] All right.
- 00:18
Well, let's start with the root "tard,"
- 00:20
which, in Latin, means "slow."
- 00:23
[ chuckles ] Hey, no giggling. Not cool.
- 00:25
Okay, let's see if we can narrow down
- 00:27
our choices. Let's take a look at B - tough,
- 00:31
which is another word for hardy.
- 00:33
That means strong or sturdy.
- 00:35
Sounds like tardy, sure, but not the same thing.
- 00:38
What about C - absent?
- 00:40
Well, when you're absent from school, it means that
- 00:42
you didn't show up at all, not that you were slow to get there.
- 00:45
Then there's D - unwelcome, which means
- 00:47
that you aren't wanted or accepted, like a tomato in a fruit salad.
- 00:50
Yeah, this one's just random.
- 00:51
Which leaves us with A - late.
- 00:54
If you're tardy for work or a party, it means
- 00:56
you didn't show up on time. But at least you made it, right?
- 00:59
So the correct answer is A - late.
- 01:00
Just don't make a habit of it.
- 01:02
[ alarm clock rings ]
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