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AP Computer Science Videos 113 videos
AP Computer Science 1.2 GridWorld Case Study and APIs. What is the direction of the actor?
AP Computer Science 1.4 Standard Algorithms. How many times will mystery be called for mystery(n) for n > 1?
AP Computer Science 2.3 Classes and Objects. Which of the following is correct implementation of the Country class?
AP Computer Science 2.1 Program Development 190 Views
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AP Computer Science 2.1 Program Development. The approach used in this project is an example of which of the following?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop fuse you're
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brought to you by penguins who feel discriminated against during
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casual fridays All right you've been assigned to a project
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in which you'll be writing a collection of classes in
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java in order to model the various species of penguins
Full Transcript
- 00:18
in the world today super class is penguin with a
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hierarchy of sub classes organized by genus and species Your
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class hierarchy will be used to model penguins in zoos
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and wildlife preserves all over the world Super class england
- 00:35
is declared as the following but the approach used in
- 00:39
this project is an example of which of the following
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pop down please roman numeral thing All right let's go
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let's mix it up and start from the bottom Our
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dad encapsulation is the process of hiding data through private
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variables so that others cannot access it In this case
- 01:00
the penguins name is declared his private because you know
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penguins really private This is a good example of data
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encapsulation Yup Second option talks about odd decorated development which
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is the use of different objects that work together to
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make the program run well in this case the penguin
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Suit class and it's sub classes could be used to
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model a real world population of penguins This program adequately
- 01:23
uses object oriented development Finally we get to our last
- 01:27
option Well really our first we've talked about top down
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development This is the approach to writing programs where all
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the general stuff is made first and then the more
- 01:35
specific stuff is building so useful approach It doesn't really
- 01:39
apply to this program That leaves us with two and
- 01:42
three is our answer which corresponds choice b till next 00:01:46.668 --> [endTime] time Remember the penguin is mightier than the sword
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