Best Practices
MoreHomeschool Teacher
Chauffeur, talent manager, coach, chef, psychiatrist... you're a parent, and we know you've got a lot on your plate.
Add "teacher" to that list, and the whole thing starts getting even more hectic. Shmoop is here to help, with a whole bunch of resources to help you give your kids an A+ education.
1. Learning Guides
You majored in Biochemistry, and the thought of teaching your child "The Tell-Tale Heart" makes your own heart stop beating. Our Learning Guides take complex novels, poems, historical events, math concepts, and more, and review them in a way that students love and understand. Use them to brush up on a book before teaching, or get discussions started with your student.
2. Online Courses
Looking for great lesson plans and activity ideas? A Shmoop subscription gives you access to hundreds of Online Courses, from '60s Through Music to 8th Grade Health. Each course is Standards-aligned and chock-full of great resources and activities. And many of them are even certified by education experts. Have students interface directly with our courses or just rip 'em apart and put them back together as an idea generator.
3. Study Tools
Think of Shmoop's Study Tools as a dojo for kids to develop brains as strong and quick as a ninja. Math Shack offers infinite math practice problems and progress tracking, while Essay Lab breaks essay writing into manageable chunks to produce thoughtful and well-written essays. Toss in flashcards and videos, and you have the ultimate mental training gym at your fingertips—for free.
4. Test Prep
Getting your student ready for the ACT®, SAT®, or an AP® exam? Check out our online Test Prep. Each prep product includes a diagnostics, drills, in-depth review, and mutliple practice tests. (If you like statistics, try these on for size: 95% of Shmoop SAT users felt prepared for the SAT, and 100% said they would use Shmoop Test Prep again.)

5. Videos
Give yourself a break and let someone else teach for a few minutes. ShmoopTube's got you covered, with thought-provoking videos on everything from Cyberbullying to The Catcher in the Rye. We've also got hundreds of videos to help students prepare for standardized tests.
6. College and Career Prep
Odds are you aren't trained as a college or career counselor—but that doesn't mean you don't have to act like one. Browse hundreds of college profiles to find the best educational and cultural fit, and then peruse our massive list of career profiles. Each profile includes details on a typical day, salary, education requirements, and potential for fame and glory.
And if your student has no clue where they're headed, have them start with one of our (brutally honest) career tests.
Interested in getting Shmoop into your school or district? Email and let our Sales Shmooperstars know who you are and what you're looking for.
Just have a question about something in Shmoopland? Hit us up at It's kind of gross how often we check our email, so we'll get back to you in the blink of a cursor.
SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
a federally registered trademark of ACT, Inc. Shmoop University is not affiliated with or endorsed by ACT, Inc.
AP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.