The Woman in Black Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Whether because of her loss and her madness or what, she also contracted a disease which caused her to begin to waste away. (11.115)

Wow, things don't really turn around for this lady at all. They just get more and more miserable. And she's about to make sure they get really miserable for the village, too.

Quote #8

She had been a poor, crazed, troubled woman, dead of grief and distress, filled with hatred and desire for revenge. (12.13)

That's a pretty succinct description of Jennet Humfrye. Not exactly flattering, but accurate.

Quote #9

I have sat here at my desk… a blank sheet of paper before me, unable to lift my pen, trembling and weeping too. (12.16)

Arthur feels grief, too, but he doesn't go crazy. Is it because he's finally able to write the story down? Or because he decides to build a new life? Or because he wasn't a mid-nineteenth century woman who gave birth to an illegitimate child?