The Woman in Black Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

there was only emptiness, an open door, a neatly made bed and a curious air of sadness, of something lost, missing, so that I myself felt a desolation, a grief in my own heart. (9.66)

Even the house feels lonely. This is a fun literary device called pathetic fallacy, where inanimate objects take on human emotions to set a mood. You know, like when the sky is weeping or the sun is smiling. The more you know!

Quote #8

I must have a candle, some light, however faint and frail, to keep me company. (10.14)

The emptiness of the house is so eerie that even a candle would count as company right now. Extra points if it sings and dances.

Quote #9

I ran as I have never run before, heedless of my own safety, desperate to go to the aid of the brave, bright little creature who had given me such consolation and cheer in that desolate spot. (10.27)

Spider is pretty much Arthur's only companion now, so obviously he wants to save her more than anything. How very noble.