Watership Down Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Bigwig was right when he said he wasn't like a rabbit at all," said Holly. "He was a fighting animal—fierce as a rat or a dog. He fought because he actually felt safer fighting than running. He was brave, all right. But it wasn't natural; and that's why it was bound to finish him in the end. He was trying to do something that Frith never meant any rabbit to do. I believe he'd have hunted like the elil if he could." (50.11)

We could fill up this whole page with quotes about Woundwort's love of violence. From his time as a baby, when he bit the hand that fed him (34.4), Woundwort has always been a violent, dangerous rabbit. And here's Holly—who isn't a pacifist by any means—telling us how un-rabbit-like that love of violence was. Woundwort's love of violence might have been a source of strength, but it's also what led him to his death.