Guide Mentor


Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis


Maverick is almost un-teachable, but if there's one guy that can get through to him it's Viper. While Maverick doesn't know it until much later in the film, we know early on that Viper knows what makes Maverick tick (and what bothers him): his checkered family history. Viper knows the truth about Maverick's father because he (Viper) flew with him (Maverick's dad) in Vietnam, but he doesn't reveal that truth until near the end, when he knows that it is the only thing that will keep Maverick from destroying his career.

Throughout the film, in fact, Viper is pretty much a hands-off mentor, giving a little bit at a time when he knows he must. What does that mean? Well for starters, he really mentors Maverick by his presence more than anything else. He's not like, say, Virgil in Dante's Inferno, guiding his protégé every step of the way. Viper is an intimidating guy, and his record speaks for itself. He's one of the best fighter pilots every, and he's way up the naval officer food chain. He doesn't need to say a lot because, well, he can just look at you and get the message across.

But he does speak at times, and help Maverick along. When Maverick goes below the hard deck, and then flies by the air control tower at supersonic speed, Viper lets him have it. In the space of about 2 minutes, Viper makes things clear. If Maverick continues to break the rules, he'll be "history." That rattles Maverick.

After Goose's death, Viper knows that if Maverick is going to get on the road to redemption, he needs to make peace with Goose's death and start flying again immediately (otherwise he'll risk losing his edge, and end up like Cougar).Viper tells Jester in no uncertain terms, "Get him up flying, soon" and in a short conversation with Maverick in the bathroom tells his mentee: "you gotta let him go." Spoken like a true military man, we say.

Viper gets right to the point, and doesn't mince words. This is why he also, for example, offers to fly with Maverick if he needs a wingman. This vote of confidence is what Maverick needs, and it's a way of letting all the other pilots know that Maverick is okay.