


Character Role Analysis

Iceman and Maverick

Iceman is Maverick's main rival for the Top Gun trophy, and he's different in just about every possible way. He's tall, while Maverick is short. He is blonde, and Maverick has dark hair. His skin is slightly more tanned than Maverick's. Iceman is a very careful, and a very disciplined pilot.

Maverick, on the other hand, well, he flies according to his own rules, and it drives Iceman crazy. Iceman calls Maverick out for being dangerous on several occasions ("I don't like you because you're dangerous), implying that he, Iceman, is safe. While Iceman ultimately wins the Top Gun trophy, the film does leave us with the impression that Maverick's "instinctive" flying (Stinger)—his "genius" (Charlie)—has its purpose and, if properly controlled, can save lives.

Goose and Maverick

Goose is Maverick's partner in crime. He'll talk smack to Slider and Iceman ("You're a lot smarter than you look," he tells Slider), and make mildly arrogant comments to the other pilots ("No, no, no, no, there's two o's in Goose boys"), but if he's a little different than Maverick. He's taller, scrawnier, and a lot less arrogant. He's a family man, whereas Maverick is a serial player (until he meets Charlie, that is).

Goose wants to play by the rules (he tells Maverick not to leave Hollywood, not to buzz the tower, etc.), and after a point he has to tell Maverick that the fun and games aren't what he's about: he wants to graduate from Top Gun, and he doesn't want Maverick to ruin that for him.