Top Gun Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Top Gun.

Quote #7

GOOSE: Well it's the bottom of the 9th, the score is tied. It's time for the big one.

Iceman and Maverick are neck and neck for the trophy. Goose says it best. Iceman and Maverick are locked in an intense battle for the win, and it's coming down to the wire. Sadly, Goose's death causes Maverick to lose his edge.

Quote #8

JESTER: He can't get back in the saddle, won't engage

VIPER: It's only been a few days

JESTER: You know he just might not make it back.

After Goose's death, Maverick loses his competitive edge—he "won't engage." If he were playing basketball and grabbed a rebound, he'd just drop the ball. Maverick never regains his competitive edge, and effectively gives Iceman the trophy. He does, however, get "back in the saddle" when it counts.

Quote #9

CHARLIE: You're one of the best pilots in the Navy… you've got to go on.

Charlie's comments to Maverick after Goose's death mean two things. One, he needs to stay in the Navy. He's too good. Two, he needs to get back in the game at Top Gun, and remain competitive. Again, he's too good to quit.