The Life of Timon of Athens Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

Nor on the beasts themselves, the birds, and fishes;
You must eat men. Yet thanks I must you con
That you are thieves profess'd, that you work not
In holier shapes: for there is boundless theft
In limited professions. Rascal thieves,
Here's gold. Go, suck the subtle blood o' the grape,
Till the high fever seethe your blood to froth. (4.3.426-432)

Timon hopes to feed the thieves with his gold and his advice. Is it just us, or is he beginning to sound a lot like Apemantus? He says the thieves should consume men, which is exactly what Apemantus said Timon's friends were doing in the beginning of the play. Funny how Timon has changed his tune.