The Threepenny Opera Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

PEACHUM. Get a move on, you'd all be rotting in the sewers of Turnbridge if in my sleepless nights I hadn't worked out how to squeeze a penny out of your poverty. (3.7.85-87)

Don't let the alliteration fool you; "a penny out of your poverty" is nothing cute. Peachum's harsh treatment of the beggars who depend on him for permission to beg is not cool, and it's rooted in his greed. He sees a way to make a profit in everything, even those who have nothing.

Quote #8

MAC. If you let yourself be bribed, you'd have to leave the country for a start. You certainly would. You'd need enough to live on for the rest of your life. A thousand pounds, eh? Don't say anything! In twenty minutes I'll tell you whether you can have your thousand pounds by noon. (3.9.35-39)

If you're not used to bribing cops—which we certainly hope you are not—you might not recognize that that is exactly what Mac's doing. The double-talk, which assumes that the cop wouldn't let himself be bribed, is appealing to Jackie's greed. Mac describes what Jackie would need if he were bribed, and then promises it to him.

Quote #9

MATTHEW. You see, Captain, we thought you'd understand. You see, a Coronation doesn't happen every day. They've got to make some money while there's a chance. They send you their best wishes. (3.9.243-246)

Captain, in this case, is Mac. Matthew is reporting back to the gang leader. Even though Mac's in jail, he's still the boss. But his power is slipping, being overtaken by his gang's greed. The crowds gathered for the Queen's coronation are too good of a target to miss, so loyalty loses to greed.