Thirteen Reasons Why Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But eventually, as they always will, the rumors reached me. And everybody knows you can't disprove a rumor. (3.222)

Is Hannah's attitude too defeatist? Is there a way she could have challenged the rumors about her or put a stop to them?

Quote #5

For Jessica, it was easier to think of me as Bad Hannah than as the Hannah she got to know at Monet's. It was easier to accept. Easier to understand.

For her, the rumors needed to be true. (5.117-18)

The rumors about Hannah affect her relationships with both guys and girls. Girls like Jessica can use Hannah as an excuse when their relationships don't work out.

Quote #6

So who were you? I saw your height and your hair, but I couldn't see your face clearly enough.

Still, you gave yourself up, Tyler.

And for some reason, telling me you were nowhere made your eyes twitch and your forehead break into a sweat. (6.210-11, 213)

Other than the fact that Tyler is a photographer, his nervous response to her questioning is all the evidence Hannah has that he is the Peeping Tom. Do you think she's justified in accusing him on the tapes without having more proof?