Thirteen Reasons Why Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

As I filled mine out, I found myself describing a certain someone at our school. (8.26)

We're pretty sure Hannah is talking about Clay here – don't you think?

Quote #5

If I had been smart, if I had been honest with my survey, I would have described Hannah. And maybe we would have talked. Seriously talked. (8.59)

Oh, the bitter irony. If Clay had described Hannah in his survey, they probably would have ended up on one another's lists. While Hannah takes the game a bit too seriously, Clay doesn't take it quite seriously enough.

Quote #6

That truth first came to light a few weeks ago, at a party, with Hannah directly in front of me. An amazing moment when everything seemed to be falling into place. (10.58)

Finally Clay and Hannah meet. They talk, they connect, they kiss. But Hannah is reminded of Justin's betrayal and the rumors, and she pushes Clay away. From that moment on she is lost to him, even though he keeps smiling at her in the hall and trying to catch her eye.