The Natural The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Some have said maybe [Bump's death] wouldn't happen if you didn't join the team, and maybe so, but I believe such things are outside of yours and my control and I wouldn't want you to worry that you had caused it in any way."

[. . .]

Roy felt uneasy. Had he arranged Bump's run into the wall? No.

This exchange between Pop and Roy is almost funny, if it weren't so morbid, because while they say, over and over, that Roy didn't cause Bump's death, they're actually revealing that they think that he might have. Of course Roy didn't "arrange" Bump's bump, but he did kind of wish for it, so we get another hint that Roy has some pretty powerful brain waves.

Quote #5

Gus pointed to his glass eye. "The Magic Eye," he said. "It sees everything and tells me." (4.195)

We don't know if Gus is telling the truth about his glass eye, but we also don't want to stick around to find out. He does seem to have an ability to know what other people are thinking are doing, which makes him a very successful gambler. The point isn't whether it's really the eye that tells him, but that he makes other people believe that it's magic, giving him a creepy aura. And that's a psychological advantage for a schemer.

Quote #6

Lola finally came in with a Spanish shawl twisted around her. She lit up the crystal ball, passed her gnarled hands over it and peered nearsightedly into the glass. After watching for a minute she told Roy he would soon meet and fall in love with a darkhaired lady.

"Anything else?" he said impatiently.

Lola looked. A blank expression came over her face and she slowly shook her head. (6.58-60)

Roy's quick encounter with Lola the fortune-teller is another brush with the supernatural, and she actually gets things partially right. Roy does meet a dark-haired lady, Iris, but it's hard to say whether or not he falls in love with her. What's really strange is the way that the future just seems to turn off the lights for Lola. It might mean that Roy isn't destined for anything, that the future's up to him. But he doesn't act like it.