The Natural Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I sweat myself sick trying to direct you, and all you can deliver is those goddamn goose eggs." (2.108)

In case you aren't up-to-date on your sports slang, Pop's talking about zeros, as in no runs, as in big-time losers. Pop's disgust with the team has a deeper history, though. He's trying to make up for that terrible incident in his own career when "Fisher's Flop" lost a critical game for his team.

Quote #5

The players thought now that the team is on its way up he will change his crabby ways and give us a smile once in a while, but Pop surprised them by growing sad, then actually melancholy at the thought that but for his keeping Roy out of the line-up for three weeks they might now be in first division. (4.20)

Now we're really getting to the heart of this dissatisfaction stuff. Pop finally has a winning season and a great roll going, but he can't find the joy in it. He beats himself up for benching Roy early in the season, and dwells on that instead of being happy about winning. It's been a long time since Pop's been happy; he can't seem to get the hang of it.

Quote #6

"She was my sister's girl and I do love her, but she is always dissatisfied and will snarl you up in her trouble in a way that will weaken your strength if you don't watch out." (5.127)

Pop's trying to warn Roy about getting mixed up with Memo. How does her dissatisfaction make her so dangerous? She wants more and more and will stop at nothing to get it, including sucking the life out of people around her.