The Natural Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It wasn't for nothing it took me fifteen years to get here. I came for more than the ride and I will leave my mark around here." (2.191)

This line hints at just how much suffering and hard work Roy's endured in the past 15 years. It also shows how his hunger for success is even more desperate that when was a young guy on the train. Now that he's struggled to crawl back into the game, he's all the more determined to reach his goals.

Quote #5

Roy grew restless. "I figure forty-five thousand is a fair price for my work. That's only ten grand more than Bump was getting—and you can subtract off the three thousand in my contract now." (4.40)

Ambition comes with a price tag. As Roy goes through the season he goes from wanting to play to wanting to get rich off of playing. Remember that he's being paid less than $4000 for the season, so the $45,000 he´s asking for is more than ten times his current salary. It's not all about the money, though. It's about being rich enough to satisfy Memo.

Quote #6

"Maybe I might break my back while I am at it," Roy spoke into the microphone at home plate before a hushed sellout crowd jampacked into Knights Field, "but I will do my best—the best I am able—to be the greatest there ever was in the game." (5.1)

On "Roy Hobbs Day," a day that is set aside to honor the Knights' MVP, Roy's asked to make a speech. He points out that he expects things to be hard ("I might break my back"), but he thinks that the hard work will pay off. He doesn't want to just be a good or even great player. He wants to be the greatest there ever was.