The Chosen Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Two month later, his wife, his son, and his eighteen-month-old daughter were shot to death […] during the period of chaos that followed the revolution." (7.157)

This helps us to understand the Reb, though it doesn’t seem to help Reuven. Think of the memories the Reb must have of that other family. No wonder he is steeped in sadness. How much do you think his past impacts his present relationship with Danny, and his approach to Judaism?

Quote #5

There came the news, at first somewhat guarded, then, a few days later, clear and outspoken, of the German concentration camps. (11.30)

This news changes the memories of the characters forever and, in fact, the memories of the entire world. We can’t forget news like this, and it alters how we think of everything after we know about it.

Quote #6

"It occurred to me recently that if I didn’t take my father’s place I wouldn’t be breaking the dynasty after all. My brother could take over." (12.50)

Danny has suddenly found a way to step outside of history and free himself from imprisonment. It’s hard to analyze this moment, though, because we don’t know enough about Levi. We can’t tell if Danny is giving his brother freedom, or simply making his brother trade places with him in the jail.