Family Quotes in The Shining

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Things had been very good six months ago. […] He and Wendy had begun to talk cautiously about finding a house and making a down payment in a year or so. (5.14)

Before the George Hatfield incident, Jack seems to have been doing alright. He was on the wagon and working hard to overcome his inner demons. Jack is trying his best repair the damage his violent temper has done to his family. Unfortunately, stopping drinking doesn't stop the rage. So, the family is still in jeopardy.

Quote #5

The wedding. Her father had been there. Her mother had not been. She found she could live with that, if she had Jack. And then Danny had come. Her fine son. (6.18)

Interestingly, Wendy is able to virtually forget her dysfunctional family when she starts a family of her own. If Jack had been able to do the same, we wouldn't have a problem. But, Jack's childhood is so dysfunctional and so violent, we can understand why putting it behind him isn't so easy.

Quote #6

"This is the happiest I've been since we were married" (15.22).

The Overlook didn't like hearing this at all. The hotel immediately makes plans to destroy that happiness. Moral: Be careful what you say in a haunted house!