The Pigman Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter)

Quote #7

[John:] Finally I managed to lift my head and saw Mr. Pignati at the door. He was just standing there looking down at me, and there was no smile on his face. No smile at all.

That's when I passed out. (13)

This is a moment of horror for John, when Mr. Pignati returns from the hospital unexpectedly and sees the damage to his house and, most of all, his pig collection. This is one of the very few times that Mr. Pignati doesn't greet John with a big smile.

Quote #8

[Lorraine:] I felt tears rolling down my cheeks onto the pillow as I remembered the condition of Mr. Pignati's house. Would he think we had forsaken him and deliberately ripped his wife's clothes—viciously broken the pigs? I wanted to phone him and say, Mr. Pignati, we didn't mean things to work out like that. We were just playing. (14)

This quote forces us to think about the issue of intention in responsibility. If Lorraine and John didn't intend the damage, does this lessen their responsibility?

Quote #9

[John:] "Was Mr. Pignati all right?" he asked sheepishly.

[Lorraine:] "What do you care?" I said with an edge to my voice so he'd know I blamed everything on him. Then I was sorry I'd said it. (14)

Lorraine blames John, but also feels guilty for making him feel bad. She is angry with him, but still sensitive to his feelings.